Kirti Bhoite, a 15-year-old girl from VPM Sports Club outshone her seniors, Shriya Kolge and Harsh Rana, with three gold medals on the final day of the Poinsur Gymkhana Open Athletic meet, held under their Uttar Mumbai Krida Mahotsav Sports Fiesta, played at their ground at Kandivali, here today.
Kirti bagged 100m, 200m and long jump golds to aggregate 15 points. Shriya ended with 11 points and Harsh with 10 point. However, both were adjudged the fastest sprinters, having won in their respective 100m and 200m women and men sprints. Shriya also won bronze in the long jump event.
VPM Sports Club athletes ended with 361 points to win the overall championship trophy. Goenka Education Trust with 333 pints and Children’s Sports Academy with 270 points earned the second nd third spots.
Individual winners in various age groups were:
MEN: Harsh Rana – 10 pts (2 golds). WOMEN: Shriya Kolge (VPM SC) – 11 pts (2G+ 1B). BOYS: U-16: Akshat Lath (Children’s Aca)- 16 pts ( 3G+ 1B). U-14: Rhys Coutinho (Don Bosco, Borivli) – 10 pts (2G). U-12: Parzan Nariman (Savio SC) – 15 pts ( 3G). U-10: Arjun Jayswal (Kanara Catholic Assn) – 10 pts (2G). U-8: Lekhaj Gode (Goenka Edu Trust)- 10 pts (2G). U-6: Hitarth Sawant (Chembur Trackmasters) –5 pts. (!G).
GIRLS: U-16: Kirti Bhoite (VPM SC) –15 pts (3G). U-14: Nupur Kunbhar (Goenka Edu Trust) – 10 pts (2G.). U-12: Saniya Sawant (Udyachal) – 12 pts (2G+1S+1B). U-10: Chenelle Dias (United Athletics SC) – 8 pts (1G+1S). U-8: Rashi Chheda (LRSM Vissanji Academy). -13 pts ( 2G+1S) U-6: Kahar Nanak (St. Xavier’s)- 5 pts (1G).