The MDFA (Mumbai District Football Association) in celebration, of AFC Grassroot Day, will be organizing a football festival for children between 7 to 14 years at St. Xavier’s ground at Parel on Sunday, May 15, 2016. MDFA will be conducting the festival in collaboration with Mumbai FC, from 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm.
All kids who would like to participate in the festival are requested to contact MDFA Office for enrollment and for further details. Information can also be obtained on telephone number 022 2412 4900.
Referees refresher course on Saturday
The MDFA (Mumbai District Football Association) will be holding a refresher course for all referees from Mumbai at Cooperage ground, on Saturday, May 14.
All referees from Mumbai are requested to participate in this refresher course. Referees are requested to enroll their names in advance with the MDFA office in Parel.