Maharashtra’s Simran Kejriwal,seeded third, continued to have a dream run as she toppled top seed Arthi Muniyam of Tamil Nadu 7-5,6-4 in the women’s singles final of the Yonex-Chembur Gymkhana All India women’s tennis tournament, hosted by Chembur Gymkhana here today.
However, the Tamil Nadu girl had the consolation of winning the doubles title with a 6-2, 6-1 win over Nida Kamal and Tanasha Khandpur. But the cake of the day went to Simran who fought back all the way after trailing 1-4 to turn txhe tables on the top seed.
Former India medium pacer Balwinder Singh Sandhu was the guest of honour on the final day.
Results: All finals:Singles: (3) Simran Kejriwal bt (1) Arthi Muniyan
Doubles: Arthi Muniyan/ Sai Avantika bt Tanasha Khandpur/ Nida Kamal 6-2, 6-1.