MSDTTA Inter Club TT League to begin from May 9th

The annual Inter-club II, III and IV divisions table tennis league of the Mumbai Suburban District Table Tennis Association will be played on home and away basis from May 9 to 19.    Entries from the  affiliated Clubs/Gymkhanas/Academies will be accepted online – upto April 30. The finals of II, III and IV  divisions  along with the men’s I division  as well as women’s divisions will be held from May 26 to 29. The venue will be announced later.  The prize distribution of all the divisions will be held on the final day. For further information MSDTTA officials Amit Modi (9322247452)/ Yogesh Desai (98193018901) may be contacted.

The affiliated Clubs / Gymkhanas/ TT Academies  are required to give the names of their players of each of the team while giving the entries. Not more than two teams of any Club / Gymkhana/ TT Academy will be   permitted in each Division.  Each team comprise minimum three players  and maximum five players in the men’s league, while women’s team can comprise minimum two.