‘Humlog’, a social institution, initiated by Mirachandani organized an award function at Radio Club, Colaba, Mumbai. On the occasion, the Actor, Singer producer, director, Music Director Santosh Sawant and actress Pritika Chaudhary were awarded for their upcoming film Jhamela. ‘Jhamela’ is scheduled for release on 8th April 2016.
Santosh Sawant a.k.a. ‘Pawa’ as known in the film industry hails from Kolisare in Ratnagiri. Mumbai beckoned him to try his luck in the tinsel town. Having his love for music he cut his first music album titled ‘Voice of Art’, which was released by T-Series. This bolstered his spirits and went ahead to make a Hindi feature film Jhamela. The film is a cultural biography and the life of an individual associated with folk music base on true events. The main protagonist is played by Santosh Sawant alias ‘Pawa’ and Pritika Chaudhary in the lead roles. The film has travelled to various festivals like Cannes Film Festival, Toronto International Film Festival, Melbourne Film Festival, etc. The film had a special screening there and was appreciated and applauded too.
On receiving the award from a social institution, Hum Log, filmmaker Santosh Sawant said, “This is a special moment of happiness for me. I have been honoured at all places for my film. The film is slated to release on 8 April 2016. I would want the audience all over to like the thought of a guy coming from a small village on the silver screen and appreciate the film and its stars so it will bolster our spirits and strengthen us to do better work too.”