Multilingual film ‘Court’ which was India’s official entry for the Oscars, is out of the race now. The film could not make it to the final list of 9 films, shortlisted for the purpose of viewing by the Jury, to decide the nominations by 14th January 2016. The 9 films shortlisted are from countries like Dennmark, Colombia, Belgium, Finland, Germany,Hungary, Jordan, France & Ireland.
Surprisingly, Samruddhi Porey’s Hindi film ‘Hemalkasa’ starring Nana Patekar & Sonali Kulkarni , which is a Hindi version of popular Marathi film ‘Dr.Prakash Baba Amte, which was submitted in the open category, has been shortlisted among the 305 films. Thus making this film eligible for best film, best actor and best actress awards. There are three other regional films from Konkani, Malyalam and Kannada language, also competing in the open category.