4thSunday Athletics Meet in Mumbai

The 5000m run for men, the longest event of the day,  will be test of endurance on the 4th and concluding day of the Sunday’s  Morning Athletics Meet,  organised by   Mumbai University in association with the India Masters Athletics at the University Stadium, Marine Lines tomorrow. For women, it will be 400m run that will be attract many of the long distance runners.

The events for men, women, boys and girls in under-18, under-16 and under-14 tomorrow  :are as follows:

MEN–5000m, Long Jump. WOMEN- 400m and shot put. GIRLS U-18 – 200m. BOYS U-18 – Discus |Throw. GIRLS U-16: 100m and high Jump.  BOYS U-16 – ShotPut. GIRLS U-14: 200m. BOYS U-14: 200m and discus throw.


6.30 a.m. onwards – 4th and last  Sunday Morning Meet, University Stadium, Marines Lines.