Somaiya Sports Academy, for the preparation of the second edition of it’s Somaiya Football Championship, held a match officials workshop. The said workshop was held in association with it’s Technical Partner for the tournament, Mumbai City FC. The workshop saw twelve participants, preparing for officiating matches in the Somaiya Football Championship.
Somaiya Football Championship, will be the first Baby League in Maharashtra, and will see few of the best academies, from all across Mumbai participate in it. Somaiya Football Championship will start from December 10, and will see nine weekends of footballing action.
Tournament Director, Prashant Singh said about the Championship, “The day I heard about the Baby League concept a few months ago from Richard, I was fully convinced that this is what was needed. We at Somaiya are proud to be one of the first ones in Maharashtra to implement this initiative adopted by the AIFF.”
For more details, contact Prashant Singh 8108883399 / 8879038411