10 Indian States showcase their locations at Film Bazaar

first day of Film Bazaar 2017, which is under the banner of the International Film Festival of India(IFFI) began on an eventful note. The Film Offices of Delhi, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Lakshadweep, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh collaborated with the Film Facilitation Office (FFO) of the Ministry of I&B and the National Film Development Corporation (NFDC) to showcase their locations to various filmmakers from India and abroad. Theses Offices provide a platform to showcase locations and incentives that will benefit both the States and the filmmaker.

Integration of the States with the Coproduction Market

The FFO on behalf of these States presented the various film incentives offered by them to filmmakers including giving an overview of their film policies to the participants of the Coproduction Market. In doing so the FFO, urged the filmmakers to participate in joint discussions with the States so as to understand how they can integrate the locations offered by them into their narratives and at the same time leverage the benefits offered for filming in their jurisdiction.  The fact that India has 12 international coproduction treaties with Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Korea, New Zealand, Poland, Spain and U.K and Northern Ireland, was also highlighted. Structured meetings have been set up between the State Film Offices and the filmmakers from the Coproduction Market over a period of four days ie 21st to 24th November at the Film Bazaar. It was impressed upon the filmmakers to keep in mind the guidelines, rules and regulations while filming in a location.

Co-Production Market is a platform where selected projects with South Asian themes are presented. Filmmakers get numerous avenues to find financial and artistic support from Indian and International producers, distributors, sales agents and financiers. This year 18 projects were presented in the Coproduction market from India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Canada, Afghanistan and Nepal.