CCI to organize the first ‘Racketlon’ tourney in Mumbai

The game of Rackelon is already a popular sport in Europe. And its popularity is  spreading to other countries. In India ‘Racketlon India Sports Association( RISA)  has been launched, with former International badminton player kaushal Kumar Cheema as its President. RISA is affiliated to its parent body FIR ( Federation International de Racketlon).  ‘Racketlon’ is a combined sport of four racket games  together, where each participant has to play four different sports,  namely:  Table Tennis, Badminton, Squash and Tennis one after the other.  Each game comprises of 21 points with service changing after every two points. The first game begins with Table Tennis  which is played with smaller ball, followed by Badminton, Squash and finally Tennis.

From L to R Clockwise : Mr. Sanjay Jaywant, Kishan Shah, Amit Pujara, Vipul Dalal(From CCI), Vyoma Parikh,Sachin Bharati, K.K.Cheema & Munish Dhavan ( From Racketlon Association)during their meeting at CCI to introduce Racketlon Sport tourney.

From L to R Clockwise : Mr. Sanjay Jaywant, Kishan Shah, Amit Pujara, Vipul Dalal(All From CCI) with Vyoma Parikh,Sachin Bharati, K.K.Cheema, Yogesh Kolwalkar & Munish Dhavan ( All From Racketlon Association)during their meeting at CCI to introduce Racketlon Sport tourney.

The  player scoring maximum points against his opponent will be declared winner. But, if a player leading by  more than 21 points difference at the end of third game ( i.e. of Squash) , then the game of tennis need not be played. With such an interesting concept of combining four different sports together, it will surely pick up at different clubs and big societies where all these four games  are available. Mr. Cheema is confident that this sport will popularize by next year, all over India. “Initially, we would like to start with Cricket Club of India( CCI) which is an elite club in South Mumbai. In CCI, there are many enthusiastic players, who participate in all these four sports, during their internal tournaments. And therefore, we would like to begin  with their tournament first, followed by our own tournaments at different venues,” said Mr. Cheema.

During the meeting of RISA representatives with CCI Sports management committee held recently, it was decided to hold ‘Racketlon’ tourney for CCI members, for the first time in Mumbai and the tentative dates of this tournament will be during the third week of November 2018. “Generally, we need week ends for this type of tournament, as most of the participants belong to corporate groups . And in CCI they have good number of players actively involved in all these four games, “ concluded Cheema,  while speaking to magzmumbai.  Headed by Mr. Cheema himself as president of this body, the other committee members of this newly formed ‘Racketlon’ Sports Association  in India are, Munish Dhavan, Shyam Basistha, Dr. P.B. Muralikrishnan, Sachin Bharati, Ashutosh Pednekar,Yogesh Kolwalkar, Vyoma Parikh & Ulhas Shirke.